<aside> 💡 Analysis -


<aside> 👂 Social Media Analysis Relating To This Theme:



@paranoid.empath This is for you!! #lgbt #wlw #queer #nonbinary #lesbian #gay #bisexual #trans #queertheory #neurodivergent #queertime #failure #capitalism #anticapitalism #fyp

This TikTok explains the concept of “queer time” & how differently queer people experience time compared to heterosexual people

<aside> 👸 Relevance to Taylor’s Life:


<aside> 🌈 Queer History: Emily Dickinson draws on similar imagery of being frozen after something traumatic has happened:




<aside> ➕ See also: Can’t Move On/Not Over It/Stuck/Getting Over You

Time/Clock Waiting/Long Time Coming/20 Year Dark Night/”A Long Time”/Patience Winter/Snow/Frozen/Snowing/Cold/Ice/Icy




Speak Now



“I'm really surprised to hear you say that you never feel cool or edgy or sexy. I mean, you spend a lot of time on red carpets. You go to fashion shows. Those three words don't fit into your view of yourself?

Not at all. I mean, going back to your daughter's age, I think a lot of our self-esteem and self-image is frozen in those formative years. And that was not a time in my life where I felt accepted or invited or like I belonged. And so I've kind of come into my own in that I no longer prioritize feeling those things.”

