<aside> 💡 Analysis - Smoke and Mirrors - “the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information” based on a comment from @gold_dahlia on TikTok


Does Taylor use mirrors to represent her “sexual inversion” aka feeling female on the outside but male on the inside? (Obviously, this could link with her experience of sexuality as well as gender). It’s interesting to me that she has depicted herself as a mirror reflection of a man in three music videos (Style, Willow & I Bet You Think About Me - four if you count The Man) as well as two music videos depicting a split parts of herself - the celebrity Taylor & the real Taylor (LWYMMD & Anti-Hero). If she is using mirrors to represent her “inversion”, it adds quite a meaningful layer to the Delicate MV - when she looks in the mirror & interacts with her “inverted” true self, THAT is when she becomes invisible & free.

<aside> 👂 Social Media Analysis Relating To This Theme:


<aside> 🌈 Queer History: Mirrors could be a reference to the theory of “sexual inversion” - the way that sexologists viewed homosexuality in the 19th century.

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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_inversion_(sexology)#:~:text=Sexual inversion is a theory,and dress and vice versa.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_inversion_(sexology)#:~:text=Sexual inversion is a theory,and dress and vice versa.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_inversion_(sexology)#:~:text=Sexual inversion is a theory,and dress and vice versa.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_inversion_(sexology)#:~:text=Sexual inversion is a theory,and dress and vice versa.


<aside> 👸 Relevance to Taylor’s Life:


<aside> ➕ See also: Gender Bending/Playing with gender expression/Male perspective Upside Down/Backwards/Invert Fog/Mist/Haze/Smoke




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