<aside> 💡 Analysis - In Alice in Wonderland, Alice cries tears when she’s big and drinks to potion to turn small again before realising that she’s in her own sea of tears:

The Pool of Tears | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll



<aside> 👸 Relevance to Taylor’s Life:

At the VSFS 2013, Taylor & Karlie interact on the lyric “he’s the reason why you’re drowning”



<aside> 🌈 Queer History: Please read this interesting analysis of the sapphic ocean trope: https://lithub.com/ocean-lesbian-queer-women-water/


“Muff diver” is a term that has been used to describe lesbians since the 1930s, usually in a derogatory way. The definition is someone who performs cunnilingus. You can read about the etymology here. There are examples of this phrase being used in pop culture, the most recent in my mind is in Cardi B’s hit, ‘WAP’ - “this pussy is wet, come take a dive


<aside> ➕ See also: Eyes that are starry/gleaming/twinkling/sparkly/glint


Early Career


Unreleased Songs


Speak Now



“Clear blue water

High tide came and brought you in

And I could go on and on, on and on, and I will