👸 Relevance to Taylor’s Life:
🌈 Queer History:
➕ See also:
💡 Analysis - Does the train represent the way your life is supposed to go aka hetero relationships?? Because it doesn’t have the same flexibility of direction as other modes of transport have - cars can take a “wrong turn” - but trains are bound to the direction of their tracks. Train tracks usually have to be quite straight as well because of the limits of train carriages.
👸 Relevance to Taylor’s Life:
- One of the common Gaylor images is Taylor & Emily Poe pointing at the word “Gay” painted on the side of a train. This image is often included in the “Gaylor iceberg”

- Kissgate happened at a place called Terminal 5 - a terminal in a train station is where passengers wait to get onto trains
- ‣ - “I realized there's this idea of happily ever after which in real life doesn't happen. There's no riding off into the sunset, because the camera always keeps rolling in real life.”
🌈 Queer History:
Oscar Wilde, when contemplating whether he would flee the country to escape his trials, said “The train has gone. It’s too late”

➕ See also:
- Tim McGraw original lyrics: I'm back for the first time since then, I never looked you up / 'cause some trains you can't catch again, just got to leave it as it was.
Speak Now

- Sad, Beautiful, Tragic -
- Distance, timing, breakdown, fighting Silence, the train runs off its tracks
- I stood right by the tracks, your face in a locket
- Prologue - And there’s something to be learned from waiting all day for a train that’s never coming.
- New Romantics - We wait for trains that just aren't coming
- Delicate MV - she gets on a underground subway train

- The Archer - I jump from the train, I ride off alone